Stoke-on-Trent welcomes Margie Cooper and Ochuko Ojiri as they compete to find antiques they can flip for a profit at auction. With their classic car headed further into Staffordshire, these pals put friendship to one side as they race to find the winning collectible. A huge brass luggage rack from a railway carriage catches Margie’s eye. Convinced it’s just as usable in a home today as it was in a train 100 years ago, she expects big bids come auction day. Margie is also charmed by an Edwardian spaniel that forces her to part with £30. Ochuko goes for a trip on the canals to learn about the man who built them and changed the economic landscape of the area. Hoping for financial good fortune at auction, Ochuko buys antique dumb-bells and an enamel sign. However, a little French birdcage might be the buy that really flies in the saleroom.
26 - 1Episode 1 February 13, 2023
26 - 2Episode 2 February 14, 2023
26 - 3Episode 3 February 15, 2023
26 - 4Episode 4 February 16, 2023
26 - 5Episode 5 February 17, 2023
26 - 6Episode 6 February 20, 2023
26 - 7Episode 7 February 21, 2023
26 - 8Episode 8 February 22, 2023
26 - 9Episode 9 February 23, 2023
26 - 10Episode 10 February 24, 2023
26 - 11Episode 11 February 27, 2023
26 - 12Episode 12 February 28, 2023
26 - 13Episode 13 March 01, 2023
26 - 14Episode 14 March 02, 2023
26 - 15Episode 15 March 03, 2023
26 - 16Episode 16 March 06, 2023
26 - 17Episode 17 March 07, 2023
26 - 18Episode 18 March 08, 2023
26 - 19Episode 19 March 09, 2023
26 - 20Episode 20 March 10, 2023