(Des Moines, IA - 3:05 AM Officer Assistance Call) 3rd Watch - Officer Chris Wellman always wanted to be a cop, but had to get his foot in the door, so he went in the Marines and came back to be a cop where he was born and raised. Cops tried to pull a guy over which led to a chase in the loop area. He is in a truck and not going very fast with many cops behind him. They would do a PIT, but they are not allowed to on high up vehicles. The driver holds up a cross when they pull up to him as they get permission to box him in. He is surrounded and won't come out so they break the window. The man is Mexican and says, "You are all going to be sorry, god bless you. God is here with me." He has Q-tip crosses taped on the windows and a cross taped on the back. Officer Michael McBride tried to pull him over. He was laying on the horn the whole time as he told him to stop. He drove away and started laying on the horn again so he went to pull him over again. The guy says he's allowed to honk all night in this country. No one got hurt, so it's all good. Forth Worth, TX (9:05 PM) East Division - Officer Sean Blaydes says being a cop is a pretty fun job, lots of leeway, can do as little or as much as you want with no boss breathing down your neck. Some days have nothing, some are constant. Officer Tegan Broadwater tries to take nothing home and tell no stories, but his wife keeps hitting him up for information though he likes to keep it on the street. They pull a woman over and she digs through a pile of papers. They ask what she is doing. She was visiting her friend Cassandra on Rosedale and Hemphill, hasn't been anywhere else. She hasn't stopped anywhere even though they saw her. They pull her out and she keeps pulling her lip up showing her teeth. They search her pockets and all she has is a phone number. Then she says she stopped at another friends house since she is a stripper and has a lot of friends and thinks they are messing with her. She says she has a point and a spoon in the car and is willing to get naked if they want since she does it for a living. She pulled a muscle in her leg and needs help to sit. They find a bag of needles and a spoon. She says she gets high after work, only spends $20 a day and used to spend $300 a day. She rambles on and on about her mom and going to court for not having headlights. She got off at 7:30pm, went to a house and shot up at Cassandra's. They find some unused drugs. She just got out of jail for heroin, now she's going back. Forth Worth, TX (12:02 AM) North Division - Officer Ernesto Tamayo II works with the CCRT unit, Crime Response Team, whatever tasks they give them they deal with. He grew up on the east side, joined the Air Force, didn't think about being a cop, just ended up there. He pulls up behind two guys about to drag race. He thinks they are going to call it off and they race anyway. He turns on the lights as they speed off and he gets the first guy to pull over and the second guy soon after. He thinks the Camero is going to u-turn and run on him, but he stays put. Ernesto tells them he was right behind him and they didn't see him. Alvin in the Ford is 39 and says the guy in the Camero was teasing him the whole way. Ernesto admits he saw him taunting him and he fell for it. The guy in the Camero is 25 and says he wasn't breaking the speed limit and he wasn't racing. Ernesto laughs. First guy and says he was having fun, but this isn't the place, someone could get killed. The Camero guy didn't mean no harm. Ernesto says if these lose control they could wipe someone out. Alvin says he was playing catch up, he would've caught him. He gives them tickets and says they have raceways they can take it to. They should've looked in their rearview at least before they do something stupid. #1428. 3/9/02
14 - 1COPS - Palm Beach, Florida April 06, 2002
14 - 2COPS - Palm Beach, Florida March 23, 2002
14 - 3COPS - Coast To Coast November 10, 2001
14 - 4COPS - Coast To Coast September 15, 2001
14 - 5COPS - Coast To Coast September 22, 2001
14 - 6COPS - Coast To Coast October 06, 2001
14 - 7COPS - Coast To Coast February 02, 2002
14 - 8COPS - Coast To Coast January 12, 2002
14 - 9COPS - Coast To Coast March 09, 2002
14 - 10COPS - Coast to Coast 1 September 08, 2001
14 - 11Coast to Coast 2 December 15, 2001
14 - 12Coast to Coast 3 September 15, 2001
14 - 13Coast to Coast 4 January 05, 2002
14 - 14Coast to Coast 5 September 29, 2001
14 - 15Coast to Coast 6 April 13, 2002
14 - 16Coast to Coast 7 November 17, 2001
14 - 17Coast to Coast 8 November 24, 2001
14 - 18Coast to Coast 9 December 01, 2001
14 - 19Coast to Coast 10 January 19, 2002
14 - 20Coast to Coast 11 September 01, 2001
14 - 21Coast to Coast 12 September 01, 2001
14 - 22Coast to Coast 13 January 26, 2002
14 - 23Coast to Coast 14 February 09, 2002
14 - 24Coast to Coast 15 February 16, 2002
14 - 25Coast to Coast 16 February 23, 2002
14 - 26Coast to Coast 17 March 02, 2002
14 - 27Coast to Coast 18 February 23, 2002
14 - 28Coast to Coast 19 April 20, 2002
14 - 29Coast to Coast 20 March 16, 2002
14 - 30Coast to Coast 21 April 06, 2002
14 - 31Coast to Coast 22 April 27, 2002
14 - 32Coast to Coast 23 April 27, 2002
14 - 33Coast to Coast 24 September 21, 2002
14 - 34Naked Cops 1 Special Edition April 27, 2002
14 - 35Too Hot for Fox Special Edition April 27, 2002
14 - 36Extreme Cops September 14, 2002
14 - 1409COPS - Atlanta, GA January 01, 1970
14 - 1423COPS - Coast To Coast January 01, 1970