(8:22 PM) Ft. Lauderdale Broward Co. - Deputy Robert Lahiff is off to set up a checkpoint. As long as they stop either the first, second or third cars and remain consistent it'll work. He tries to stop a suspect, a black guy in a white shirt red shorts walking down the street. When he sees the cops he runs and tosses the dope he was carrying. He hides in an apartment and K9s are brought in to find him. The female apartment manager is brought in to unlock his door. The guy says cops didn't see him do anything. Next cops set up a fence operation and put the word out they are looking for heavy equipment. In the safe house they shows boats and cars they have bought. They have spent $61,000 to recover $1.8 million worth of stolen goods. Two brothers sell a grater, a 65 year old dancer runs a prostitution ring and dances on her head for the cops. A guy sells plastic explosives and comes in with Jack Daniels. (7:36 PM Briefing) They go and pick up all the people who sold them the stolen items from before. The explosives guy is barefoot. The 65 year old lives in a house so full of junk they can barely walk in it. Newspapers are stacked to the ceiling. They also return a stolen camera to a lady and a watch at the end of their 12 month sting.
4 - 1Kansas City 1 August 10, 1991
4 - 2Kansas City 2 August 17, 1991
4 - 3Kansas City 3 August 24, 1991
4 - 4Kansas City 4 December 07, 1991
4 - 5Kansas City 5 September 13, 1991
4 - 6Kansas City 6 October 19, 1991
4 - 7Kansas City 7 October 12, 1991
4 - 8Kansas City 8 October 05, 1991
4 - 9Pittsburgh, PA 3 September 28, 1991
4 - 10Pittsburgh, PA 4 October 26, 1991
4 - 11Pittsburgh, PA 5 December 21, 1991
4 - 12Pittsburgh, PA 6 November 02, 1991
4 - 13Pittsburgh, PA 7 January 04, 1992
4 - 14U.S. Marshal's Service Special February 07, 1992
4 - 15Boston, MA 1 November 16, 1991
4 - 16Boston, MA 2 November 09, 1991
4 - 17Boston, MA 3 November 23, 1991
4 - 18Boston, MA 4 March 21, 1992
4 - 19Boston, MA 5 December 07, 1991
4 - 20Boston, MA 6 December 14, 1991
4 - 21Boston, MA 7 April 04, 1992
4 - 22Memphis, TN 1 January 11, 1992
4 - 23Memphis, TN 2 January 18, 1992
4 - 24Memphis, TN 3 January 25, 1992
4 - 25Memphis, TN 4 February 15, 1992
4 - 26Memphis, TN 5 May 30, 1992
4 - 27Memphis, TN 6 February 01, 1992
4 - 28Miami, FL 1 March 07, 1992
4 - 29Miami, FL 2 February 22, 1992
4 - 30Miami, FL 3 February 22, 1992
4 - 31South Florida 1 March 14, 1992
4 - 32Miami, FL 4 March 21, 1992
4 - 33South Florida 2 April 11, 1992
4 - 34Miami, FL 5 May 30, 1992
4 - 35Miami, FL 6 April 25, 1992
4 - 36Miami, FL 7 May 02, 1992
4 - 37Miami, FL 8 June 13, 1992
4 - 38Miami, FL 9 May 09, 1992
4 - 39Miami, FL 10 May 16, 1992
4 - 40Miami, FL 11 June 27, 1992
4 - 41Washington State 1 August 01, 1992
4 - 42Washington State 2 December 12, 1992
4 - 43Pierce Co. WA 1 June 20, 1992
4 - 44Pierce Co. WA 2 August 08, 1992
4 - 45Pierce Co. WA 3 August 15, 1992
4 - 46Pittsburgh, PA 6 November 21, 1991
4 - 47Pittsburgh, PA 7 January 04, 1992