(7:05 PM Narcotics Unit Briefing) Metro-Dade Sgt. Fred Silber explains how undercover cops confiscated vases full of drugs from the runners who rolled over and were supposed to get $1000 each for them and now will meet the buyers to bust them. The must be done by 9pm. 7:32 - they arrive at the meeting place a Win Dixie. Two men go over to the car with a shopping cart and take the boxes and are arrested by Lt. Robert Diers. They get consent from one of the men to search his house. 8:07 - they arrive and find two people there who show them where another kilo of coke is hidden. Sgt. Michael Roy also finds $6000 in cash. Palm Beach (7:07 PM Communications Center) A man calls 911 about a deaf girl who wants to kill herself. Deputy Charles Hicks goes to the house where 15 year old Kathy cut her wrists. She doesn't want to go to the hospital and officers jump her and her dog so she can't get away. Deputy Kevin Clapp talks to her and she freaks out. Seven days earlier she cut herself and tried to stab a deputy. Her sister Cheryl can't believe they let her out and wants her put in jail. They say it's up to the psychiatrist and they need to talk to him. She keeps doing this over and over. Miami - Sgt. Debra Dozier talks about a reward of $72,000 for a guy who killed a cop. (5:22 PM Disturbance Call) Cpl. Glenn Stolzenberg is called to a cock fighting ring. There are cages and cages of roosters, a ring and scales. Officer Carlos Garcia translated for the owner who says they are just training them. Glenn finds a half dead rooster in a garbage can and the worker pulls it out and cleans it up and gives it a shot. They say they train them humanely and don't harm them even though fights are every Thursday. The owner says animals killed the dead roosters, they didn't die during cock fights. He welcomes them to come back and check.
4 - 1Kansas City 1 August 10, 1991
4 - 2Kansas City 2 August 17, 1991
4 - 3Kansas City 3 August 24, 1991
4 - 4Kansas City 4 December 07, 1991
4 - 5Kansas City 5 September 13, 1991
4 - 6Kansas City 6 October 19, 1991
4 - 7Kansas City 7 October 12, 1991
4 - 8Kansas City 8 October 05, 1991
4 - 9Pittsburgh, PA 3 September 28, 1991
4 - 10Pittsburgh, PA 4 October 26, 1991
4 - 11Pittsburgh, PA 5 December 21, 1991
4 - 12Pittsburgh, PA 6 November 02, 1991
4 - 13Pittsburgh, PA 7 January 04, 1992
4 - 14U.S. Marshal's Service Special February 07, 1992
4 - 15Boston, MA 1 November 16, 1991
4 - 16Boston, MA 2 November 09, 1991
4 - 17Boston, MA 3 November 23, 1991
4 - 18Boston, MA 4 March 21, 1992
4 - 19Boston, MA 5 December 07, 1991
4 - 20Boston, MA 6 December 14, 1991
4 - 21Boston, MA 7 April 04, 1992
4 - 22Memphis, TN 1 January 11, 1992
4 - 23Memphis, TN 2 January 18, 1992
4 - 24Memphis, TN 3 January 25, 1992
4 - 25Memphis, TN 4 February 15, 1992
4 - 26Memphis, TN 5 May 30, 1992
4 - 27Memphis, TN 6 February 01, 1992
4 - 28Miami, FL 1 March 07, 1992
4 - 29Miami, FL 2 February 22, 1992
4 - 30Miami, FL 3 February 22, 1992
4 - 31South Florida 1 March 14, 1992
4 - 32Miami, FL 4 March 21, 1992
4 - 33South Florida 2 April 11, 1992
4 - 34Miami, FL 5 May 30, 1992
4 - 35Miami, FL 6 April 25, 1992
4 - 36Miami, FL 7 May 02, 1992
4 - 37Miami, FL 8 June 13, 1992
4 - 38Miami, FL 9 May 09, 1992
4 - 39Miami, FL 10 May 16, 1992
4 - 40Miami, FL 11 June 27, 1992
4 - 41Washington State 1 August 01, 1992
4 - 42Washington State 2 December 12, 1992
4 - 43Pierce Co. WA 1 June 20, 1992
4 - 44Pierce Co. WA 2 August 08, 1992
4 - 45Pierce Co. WA 3 August 15, 1992
4 - 46Pittsburgh, PA 6 November 21, 1991
4 - 47Pittsburgh, PA 7 January 04, 1992